Executive coaching Paris Bruxelles : What are our methods ans tools used during our Online professional training in communication and manangement and our Executive coaching ?

  • An interactive and fun teaching method: alternating role-playing, exercises, evaluations and theory.
  • Role-playing: Professional situations, close to reality are played with an actor as a game partner throughout the training.
  • A personalized approach: the objectives and professional issues of each are taken into consideration during our training.
  • The NonViolent Communication process (Marshall Rosenberg) or Compassionate Communication for constructive dialogue.
  • Coaches and trainers are certified experts in their field with a true sense of humour.
  • Use of actor techniques to improve Verbal and NonVerbal Communication.
  • An analysis from the videos shot during the training to understand the blocking mechanisms.
  • Innovation : the theatre clown as a tool for interaction and expression of emotions.

Executive coaching Paris Bruxelles : To whom is addressed our Executive coaching and manager coaching course ?

A leader, a manager, a team or an entire organisation that wants to solve a problem. This can range from a simple difficulty of speaking in public to psychosocial risks or PSR potentially present in business. Likewise, our Executive coaching training will clearly help you to set up a dialogue within your organization or team through an external and compassionate look. This makes it possible to move forward, create and build joint projects.


Executive coaching Paris Bruxelles : Company and professional Executive coaching for managers, what is it ?

Managerial coaching is defined as professional support followed over a defined period. It enables you to achieve concrete and measurable results in your professional and personal life. Through the coaching process, you will deepen your knowledge, improve your performances and professional leadership with relevant public speaking.

We specialize in relationship coaching and improving the way we communicate. We integrate Emotional Management and Compassionate Communication inspired by the NVC to establish a dialogue.
  • Define and clarify your professional objectives
  • Improve emotional leadership
  • Work on management and behavioural improvements in a safe and compassionate environment
  • Take a step back in stressful and complex situations
  • Captivate and convince your audience
  • By perfecting your speech and managing your emotions, you facilitate daily communication and/or management


  • Develop your relationship skills and cooperate with success.
  • Establish a “win-win” managerial relationship based on trust, respect, involvement, and cooperation.
  • Become aware of your method of listening, know your strengths and weaknesses, and define points of improvement.
  • Better manage situations of conflict.
  • Prepare and construct a speech, interview, meeting, and negotiation.

Coaching, through individual attention, allows you to come out of your solitude and meet your deepest needs. Thanks to the NVC you will be able to convince, federate and adapt in different situations. You will then be able to better motivate and support your co-workers.

How does it work ? On a regular and punctual basis, together we define the times of accompaniment in accordance with your work schedule and commitments.

Customized (coaching) or group : 21 hours broken down into 3 training days.


To have good emotional leadership is to associate rational intelligence with Emotional Intelligence, and dare to question oneself. This makes it possible to evolve towards a new leadership practice that is both effective and human.

It is strongly recommended to follow the training “NonViolent Communication and Emotional Regulation” in addition to it. You will know how to take into account the people in your team and develop effective emotional leadership !

  • Engage your audience with your message through public speaking techniques.
  • Communicate more effectively with collaborators: be convincing, promote ideas and build buy-in.
  • Establish a managerial relationship based on trust, respect, involvement, and cooperation.
  • Be aware of your leadership, know your strengths/weaknesses and define your areas for improvement.
  • The motivation and capacity to lead a team.


  • From the discourse of adherence to the commitment of its partners.
  • Motivation, mobilization and speaking skills to get the message out.
  • The circle of trust and delegation: its brakes and benefits, the recognition and responsibility of individuals.
  • Express oneself with confidence and conviction to describe, explain and promote one’s ideas.
  • From supervision to co-responsibility in a regular and constructive dialogue. Emotional leadership : Position and guide your team.
  • Develop coaching, meet the needs of the senses, and its core and team needs.
  • Refine added value, vision and know how to transmit and share it and involve employees.
  • Become aware and increase empathy, assertiveness, adaptability, desire to achieve.
  • Managing stress, tension and transforming crises.

21 hours divided into 3 training days.